"The way to right wrongs is to turn the light of truth upon them." -Ida B. Wells-Barnett
Kelly r. wiggen
AKA, "The Research Chick"
Facts don't lie, but politicians do.
"What's done in the dark will be brought to the light"--Johnny Cash
AKA, "The Research Chick"
Facts don't lie, but politicians do.
"What's done in the dark will be brought to the light"--Johnny Cash
DATE: SEPT. 5,2022 As of 9/5/2022 there are over 2.5 MILLION registered voters in NC under “Unaffiliated”. It’s now #1 in NC, with the Democrats having 2.4 million, and Republican having 2.2 million. (Libertarians have 49,547 per the state Board of Elections website) While the Democrats and Republicans claim ownership of our elections, it appears as if we already have a viable alternative that is the largest in the state. That’s right, over 2.5 million voters in North Carolina have declared their independence from political parties! As you can see by the included graphic, so far in 2022 Democrats have lost 6,030 voters, Republicans have gained 29,233, Libertarians have gained 1,434, but the real game changer is that the Unaffiliated total has already gained 121,306! That’s an average gain of over 3,300 voters per week in 2022 registering as or changing their affiliation to Unaffiliated. The flip to being #1 happened in March, when the Democrat registration dropped to #2 for the first time in ages. It's as if people are fleeing the label of Democrat or Republican very quickly these days! So why is the NCGOP continuing to hide from us on policy issues, and refused to stand up against the CDC? (Covid Dictatorship by Cooper) Instead, they recently passed a horrific Appropriations Act (HB103/SL 2022-74) that contains multiple dangerous issues for the citizens of NC. A year ago grassroots groups all over NC formed by parents, were fighting back against the now admitted non-legally binding, Mandy Cohen issued ToolKit violating our parental & Constitutional rights, and begged for help from members of the NCGOP like Robinson, Berger & Moore, only to be completely ignored. I can only speculate of course, but I’d say by looking at the voter numbers it didn’t pay off very well for Speaker Tim Moore to ignore us while attending basketball games with Cooper. If you were one of the people that called or emailed to ask for help from Berger, Moore, Robinson or other NCGOP members, then you were likely told the same old excuse from a receptionist, “We don’t have a Super Majority so there’s nothing we can do”. Yes, they had a Majority in the House & Senate, but claimed they didn’t have a veto proof Super Majority so there was just nothing that could be done about Copper’s dictatorship. So apparently there’s no point in a state legislature because the Governor is the only position that matters? Wow, thanks for admitting that, so why haven't you fixed that problem? No matter what the reason, the fact is North Carolina now has a viable 3rd Party, and it happens to be the largest affiliation of registered voters. It’s proof that the majority are stick of the spineless, do-nothing, establishment that only seems to do something if it benefits themselves or their big donors like Meta/Facebook, Pfizer, Google, Pat Gavaghan, Jim Goodnight, Jim Anthony, and many more that are the financial power backing the NCGOP. Pay to Play schemes are thriving in NC and it’s not the Clintons… Now what? We (the Unaffiliated) have the numbers, and therefore the power to rid this state of the corruption that has now seeped out of Raleigh to affect even the most rural areas. One thought I’ve had is a complete boycott of what appears to many as the “rigged” elections. As a coach, I can tell you if I saw the opposing coach pay off the umpire beforehand, I’m going to refuse to have my team participate in a rigged game. But I understand the problems of everyone just staying home on election day as well. This is a great opportunity to have the discussion of what we can do with this newfound power. What say you Unaffiliated voters of NC? Speak up and voice your suggestions on how we can leverage this power to save North Carolina. Obviously encouraging more voters to change over to Unaffiliated is a great thing, but we don’t want to squander this golden opportunity to make a difference in the midterms. Send your thoughts & suggestions to [email protected] and let’s see what we can accomplish! ![]()
DATE: AUGUST, 16, 2022
The Democrats don't lie to you about their agenda. They’ve never really pretended to be Christians, Conservatives or Pro-Constitution. The Democrats openly advocate for abortion up to birth, want to strip your gun rights, advocate for illegal aliens to vote and open borders, voted to remove the word “God” from their platform, and generally push for socialist & communist policies while often involving race baiting. They haven’t hidden this or pretended to be something they aren’t. No, that would actually be the self-proclaimed NC Conservative Republicans that have been lying to you while selling our freedoms to the highest bidders. “I’m proud to stand up for American taxpayers” Patrick McHenry *Unless you don't want the Covid vaccine or Big Tech spying on you. Those taxpayers don't count because the donors from Big Pharma (Pfizer, Merck, etc.) & Big Tech (Google & Facebook) count more. Yes, he voted for the vaccine database. “National Journal has consistently ranked Foxx as one of the most conservative members of the North Carolina Congressional Delegation.” Virginia Foxx campaign website *While she has taken thousands in donations from Google, Amazon and more, that financially supports abortion for their employees and pro-abortion activism, along with open border policies, supporting BLM and of course pushing the LGBTQ agenda. “I continue to work with my colleagues to provide patients with the best possible health care system, encourage medical innovation and advanced research, and support our medical practitioners and patients.” Richard Hudson *Except he voted for the vaccine database, did nothing to help healthcare workers losing their jobs over unconstitutional vaccine mandates, and NC is consistently ranked one of the worst states in the nation for healthcare. How has the $262,500 he received recently from PACs in healthcare helped NC? “As a practicing surgeon of more than 30 years, I know that our nurses serve on the frontlines of health care and go above and beyond to care for our patients -- especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.” Greg Murphy *While serving two terms in the NC General Assembly, including as the Chairman on the Health Committee, Murphy did nothing to improve the horrible ranking of healthcare for cost & quality in NC. He did however, receive over $168,000 in donations related to the healthcare industry between 2021-2022 which includes Pfizer, Sanofi, & Merck. Those are just three of the Republican (federal) politicians from North Carolina that have received large donations from 21 partners of the World Economic Forum totaling over $1.6 million in the last few years. Of course I would be remiss if I didn't mention Thom "Tainted" Tillis...He's taken hundreds of thousand in donations from World Economic Forum partners such as Blackstone, Goldman Sachs, Pfizer, Amazon, Facebook, Google and too many others to list. Think we're safe when it comes to our NC General Assembly Republicans? Tim Moore, Phil Berger, Ralph Hise, Norm Sanderson, Mitchell Setzer and many more are also getting large donations from World Economic Forum partners. If you are a true conservative, God-fearing Patriot that loves America, then how can you continue to be part of such a deception as the current Republican Party in NC? I highly recommend everyone take a look at the candidates campaign finance reports before casting another vote. Oh, and don't forget to look into the members only, Capitol Hill Club in DC that McHenry, Hudson, Foxx, and all the others are paying for via campaign funds. If you still think all these Republicans aren't just as bought & paid for as the Democrats and lying to you, then I've got some ocean front property in these beautiful Appalachian Mountains for sale at a great price! ![]() ORIGINAL POST DATE: OCTOBER 23, 2016 LOCATION:https://syotossite.wordpress.com/2016/10/23/silence-is-consent/ So Donald Trump will not say he will blindly accept the election results and go quietly into the night if Clinton is declared the winner. THANK THE LORD! Did Al Gore in 2000? I hope that no citizen would blindly accept the election results considering what we have learned from WikiLeaks and the Project Veritas videos. These sources have put the evidence in your face that the government, it’s agencies, the media and political parties are corrupt and think themselves above the law. So what do we do about it? The afore mentioned parties are counting on the answer to that question to be NOTHING. They believe that they have successfully accomplished the dumbing down and sissification of the American people, especially white men. (Oh sorry, that should’ve been “white privileged” men.) The political Left has succeeded in dividing this country with false narratives of racism, bigotry and class warfare because the main stream media has been their willing mouthpiece. The MSM spends it’s time doing nothing more than spinning their biased opinions into webs of deceit and amazingly, millions of Americans accept it without thinking for themselves. We have been blessed in America that we have not had to engage in a Revolt, Civil War or major uprising on our soil since 1865. We are soft, naive, and at this point brainwashed into believing that those things only happen in other countries. We are conditioned to believe that uprisings only happen in places where people are “backwards”, “uneducated”, or not “enlightened”. Do you consider our Bill of Rights, Founding Fathers and James Madison backwards or uneducated? The Bill of Rights, written by James Madison and ratified in 1791, gave us this little gem, known as the 2nd Amendment: “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed”. Do you think that was an accident or just an afterthought? These people had lived through the Revolutionary War and freed themselves from Great Britain, and knew the very real threat that a corrupt government is to the citizens. They didn’t win their Independence through diplomacy or peaceful protests, thousands died in order to gain freedom for our country. Fast-forward to current times. In 2011 the citizens of Egypt staged an uprising to rid themselves of Mubarak and his administration. The reasons were many, but the top 3 were electoral fraud, political censorship and corruption. Yes, there were injuries & deaths although the vast majority was done by the people filling the streets and bringing the country to a halt. In 2014 the Ukrainian people staged an uprising and changed their government in order to restore their Constitution. Neither of these countries are generally considered backwards or uneducated, yet the people saw the need to oust “elected” officials that they deemed were corrupt. We are at a crossroads in America. The media (proven in the Clinton camp) is prepping us for the soon to be Selected POTUS, Hillary Clinton, while already trying to vilify Trump as the problem if the people actually rise up against the corrupt system. Millions of Americans are already connecting the dots with the obvious facts such as rally attendance, record breaking primary results, documented voter fraud, corruption in the DOJ, FBI & IRS, Pay To Play schemes, and email/server scandals. This is the scenario that was anticipated & predicted by our Founding Fathers. Will we just accept the corruption & lawlessness , or will we have the courage to take it back by all means necessary? If we accept it, how will you explain that to your children when they pay the price of your submission? Would you face Madison, Jefferson & Washington and say, “It was nice while it lasted, and thanks for your sacrifices, but we’re too spineless to maintain the freedoms you won for us.” Or will we finally rise up and take our country back from the corrupt sources that have decided they are the ruling elite above the law? In the days after the upcoming Selection of Hillary Clinton, what will you do if someone like Sherriff David Clarke or General Michael Flynn steps up and calls Patriots of this country to gather in DC to physically take back our country? Will you sit back and watch as others do the dirty work for your benefit, or are you willing to help secure our nation for the next generation? Will you hide from or deny the situation, or will you realize you’ve had the luxury of living in the best nation on Earth and now it’s time to defend it from threats both foreign & domestic? The nation and the world will be watching America, and the answers to those questions will change the course of the future and the entire world. SILENCE IS CONSENT EPHESIANS 6:12 : “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” S.Y.O.T.O.S ORIGINAL POST DATE: APRIL 23, 2016
LOCATION:https://syotossite.wordpress.com/2016/04/23/the-new-david-goliath-nc-hb2/ As Christians & Patriots, the current issues call for a new theme song. My choice is by Johnny Cash, “God’s Gonna Cut You Down”, (YOUTUBE LINK) . When you’re in doubt, just remember these lyrics: “But as sure as God made black and white, What’s done in the dark will be brought to the light.” It’s past time to turn the spotlight on the stage and expose the players and their script. The media and their puppet masters are hard at work setting up this particular battle and if we’re going to win we have to be strong and prepared with the real facts. NC HB2 has been completely distorted by the crowd that is against it and stands around calling the rest of us bigots. Those that are supporting fighting NC HB2 are no more than disillusioned fools being used by the Elites in power. If you’re going to start the name-calling, or participate in it, at least get the names right! There are only 2 names that are accurate on this issue: PATRIOT and TYRANT. In other words, the new version of David and Goliath. If that’s confusing, read on and you’ll understand how distorted this has become. Let’s make this as easy an equivalent scenario as possible: Last week I went to Wal-Mart and had to walk 60 yards from my parking space to the door, which was offensive to me because I had woken up and decided that I’m Transabled. Yes, Transabled. (Google it if you don’t believe people claim this identity) The next day I went to the DMV in Charlotte and applied to the state for a handicapped placard to park in the handicapped zones. The application was denied because my doctor wouldn’t sign it stating that I am physically disabled. (I’ll sue him later) So then I went to the Charlotte City Council and they agreed that my identity as Transabled trumps state law and I’m entitled to use the handicapped parking spaces. Yes, they were hesitant at first, but I reminded them I would go the media and expose what bigots they were and they quickly caved. So the Charlotte City Council decided to create and enforce a new law within their city limits that says all Transabled individuals can park in the handicapped zones even if the state didn’t issue a placard, and all businesses had to accommodate me as well. So I was thrilled when I went shopping and was able to park right up front! But of course a real handicapped person saw me, questioned my mobility, and I had to remind them that they are a bigot too. Now the Governor has signed a new Bill that clarifies that in fact cities do not have the authority to create & enforce laws; so I’ve gotten Bruce Springsteen, Cirque du Soleil, Michael Moore, the NBA, PayPal, and many others to boycott/blackmail the state because the media has helped me convinced them all that the Governor’s actions are bigoted and denying my civil rights. The new Bill even went so far as to say that statewide, only those that are medically certified as physically disabled are allowed to use the handicap spaces. Now, that is just blatant discrimination and infringement of my civil rights, regardless of why handicap spaces were created in the first place! The City voted in MY favor, and since it benefits ME, I’m going to take this to the highest court in the land,(Public Opinion & the Media), to prove the state legislature of NC & their supporters, are nothing but a bunch of BIGOTS! There you have it folks. These people screaming at you and calling you a bigot are actually supporters of tyranny by a city and small group, and therefore the proper name for them is: TYRANT. If you are supporting NC HB2 and understand that cities in NC do not have the authority to create new laws and lower the standards of public safety & privacy, then the proper name for you is : PATRIOT. Wear it proudly. It goes well with the label Intolerant, which I explained in a previous entry, “WHY NOW?”. Now a special note on Target and their new bathroom policy. Don’t boycott them because they support the “plight” of the transgendered. Boycott them for being TYRANTS. In June of 2014 Target also declared that they don’t care what the local laws are, you cannot bring a gun into their stores. Yes, they have a right to do that as a business. However, it is only more proof that they are in fact Tyrants that believe they “know better” and that within their walls you should be an unarmed citizen if that pedophile decides he/she will use their new bathroom policy as a means to get to your child. If you are a Christian that struggles with how God instructs us to deal with tyrants and bullies, please refer to the story of David and Goliath. God assisted David in putting the tyrant down. He also instructs us to love the sinner, but hate the sin. When you encounter these disillusioned fools that are the tools of evil forces, pray for them, but stand up to them with the right information. In my first entry, “Pick A Side” I explained that in reality we must choose where we stand and defend it. In the second entry, “In God We Trust, sometimes…” I explained that you are picking a side even if it is doing nothing and remaining silent. In closing, I’ll give you an example of people that didn’t Pick A Side and Trust In God to defend it, and were terrified of the label Intolerant. THE CITIZENS OF CHARLOTTE. Think about it. They allowed this vote by the city council in an open forum, not in secret. Those council members did this in full view of the public and were allowed to freely walk out of there, get in their cars and go home with no worries of the citizens because they know the citizens are too afraid to be called Bigot or are too lazy to stop them. This was a prime example of what our Founding Fathers fought against, and yet the citizens of Charlotte allowed this tyranny to happen without doing a thing about it. I’ll leave you with this wise quote and warning from Thomas Jefferson: “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” Galatians 5:1 “Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.” S.Y.O.T.O.S. ORIGINIAL POST DATE: APRIL 21, 2016
LOCATION: https://syotossite.wordpress.com/2016/04/21/the-bandwagon-effect/ Anyone that’s been alive at least 20 years has witnessed and/or experienced the psychological phenomenon referred to as The Bandwagon Effect. If you haven’t, just ask a Cowboy’s fan. I am an individual that tends to run away from a trend or fad, but I have seen the bandwagon effect and have probably fallen victim to it at some point. This topic has been circling my brain like a shark after writing the last post. (Why Now?) I’ve been analyzing the bandwagon effect and of course can see the pros and the cons, the abuse of it and the need for it. In regards to explaining the “why” for it’s existence, I can only surmise that it’s just part of the human condition that is part of the need to “belong” or of gaining acceptance from our peers. Now let’s look at how it’s being used against us as a nation, and how we can beat them at their own game! In addressing the “Why Now?” issue, I neglected a nagging part of my mind on the answer and it’s direct relation to the bandwagon effect. Just look around at all the insanity and chaos that is being forced upon us. When you’re watching the news and actually see real people supporting issues that defy logic such as transgender bathrooms, more gun control, or the likes of Hillary Clinton & Bernie Sanders, you’re probably like me and wonder, “What’s wrong with these people?!” I believe that most of them aren’t necessarily bad people, but that they have been sucked into the insanity partly due to the bandwagon effect. The bandwagon effect has been a great recruiting tool for the Liberals in brainwashing people to believe if most people are doing it, then it must be a good thing. They have done an excellent job of taking advantage of people’s need to belong to the “in-crowd”, even if it means ignoring common sense and a moral compass. These days there is no doubt that the Progressive agenda has taken control of our media & entertainment, which people consume constanly. Therefore they have been able to harness the bandwagon effect, and in turn it has become part of the answer to the question of “why now? “. If we examine how it can be used to our (those of us that are still relying on Faith, God and the common sense he gave us) advantage in attempting to restore this country, we must admit a few of the problems that we have contributed to. When Christians and Patriots started being “tolerant” and “accepting” of the Liberal’s “diversity”, we left a vacuum that they quickly filled. And yes, that is the same way that ISIS started to evolve in the Middle East. They both use bully tactics to get what they want, and if no one is willing to stand up to them, they will never stop. So we cannot allow ourselves to remain quite and passive any longer. Look where it has gotten us. People do need strong leadership that they can rally behind and a group that they can feel part of. Are the churches in America providing that? Not if they are ordaining gay clergy and performing gay weddings, that’s for sure! Do we have clergy that pass judgment, or are they leading people to a higher purpose? Most people aren’t opposed to the Word of God, they are opposed to the hypocrisy exhibited by organized religion. They want leaders that don’t sugarcoat it, or somehow try to make the Bible adhere to the current norms in order to gain members that will contribute to the offering plate. Donald Trump & Dr. Ben Carson are proof that people really just want someone to speak plain, unfiltered words, and not be politically correct. So now what? As Christians, Patriots, & Americans we need to be creating the bandwagon effect for common sense and the values that this country was founded on. If you weren’t/aren’t a Christian, would you want to get behind a group that seems wishy-washy or that seems like it’s hypocritical? People value structure and thrive in it. We need to start a bold revolution of speaking out & standing up for what we know is right because staying silent & seated will accomplish more of the same. It’s amazing how many people will stand still and wait for someone else to do something or speak first. Once a bold move is made, the bandwagon effect can take place. I don’t pretend to know how to bring this about or of any one person that should step up to be a leader. The first step is awareness and using the opportunities available, and I have faith that God will have the right person or people to fill in the gaps. Maybe we should be looking at all this lunacy over NC HB2 as a chance to rise up and make a bold stand instead of going quietly into the night on yet another issue the Liberals expect us to accept. Bet you’d be surprised at how loaded down that wagon would get. There is power in great numbers, and it always starts with 1. Matthew 18:20 “For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.” S.Y.O.T.O.S. ORIGINAL POSTE DATE: APRIL 20, 2016
LOCATION:https://syotossite.wordpress.com/2016/04/20/why-now/ So why now? Why are we now being told by whiney special interest groups and a corrupt Judicial system that our common sense and morals are “oppressive”, “bigoted”, and anything else negative that they can come up with? Our parents & grandparents didn’t put up with this, so why are we now having to fight this battle? Why will my child have to grow up in a world that says she should automatically tolerate and accept what another person does because the values her parents taught are bigoted? Because this is exactly where we crash-land when Christians commit moral compromises and sacrifice their own beliefs for the sake of “tolerance” & “diversity”. How about we all embrace another label: Intolerant. Just imagine a few decades ago if a group of people had insisted on a student being allowed in the opposite sex’s bathroom. Our parents & grandparents would’ve put the smack down on that because they were intolerant of such behaviors, and rightly so! That student never appeared back in the good ole days of common sense and decency because they had their own parents that put the smack down on it. With the ridiculous ruling of a Richmond, VA Federal Appeals Court today, now the public schools will have to allow students to freely use the bathroom of the opposite sex. *On a side note, good luck to the boy/man that tries to go to the bathroom with my daughter.* Now you all know the pedophiles in this country are celebrating and at the same time slapping their foreheads saying, “Why didn’t we think of this sooner?!” So, when your daughter, sister, mother, grandmother, wife or friend encounters a pervert in the bathroom, are you going to tolerate that? If we don’t fight this battle, what else will they expect us to “tolerate”? The Progressive agenda has no limits on what they will say or do to destroy the values of our country, so at some point everyone will be labeled intolerant. As Christians we should embrace that label because we are commanded NOT to tolerate sinful activities. Back to the timing issue. It’s an easy answer to find, and was predicted. The forces of evil have been at work for decades among us, prepping our society for the destruction of our values. If you’ve never heard of a book titled “The Naked Communist” by W. Cleon Skousen, do yourself a favor and Google the list he created back in 1958. It was so profound that his list, “Current Communist Goals”, was entered into the Congressional Record on 01/10/1963. Here are just a few items from the list: 16. Use technical decisions of the courts to weaken basic American institutions by claiming their activities violate civil rights. 24. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them “censorship” and a violation of free speech and free press. 25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV. 26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as “normal, natural, healthy.” 27. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with “social” religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity, which does not need a “religious crutch.” And yes, the Bible warned us also: Ephesians 6:11 – “Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.” God warned us that the devil will continuously try to defeat us in any manner that he can. The works of evil have played their part in making most Christians be tolerant, accepting and submissive to the ways of the world. Perhaps there is a timid Christian near you that needs to know that he is not alone; will you stand with him in unity? Do you “have his back”? Or will you stand by and allow this sickness to continue it’s cancerous growth? We must come together, stand up, speak out and become intolerant of the constant assault on Christianity & common sense. We can be an undefeatable army if we all proudly display our “Intolerance” of those that would have us believe they can now decide for us that God’s laws are wrong. So if the Gov. of NC and/or MS (both have recently signed Bills in their states that the LGBT crowds are fighting) called upon citizens to come and stand with them to defend their capitals, would you go? The Progressive Liberals have George Soros paying them to protest, but we have God’s laws and the promise of eternal life supporting us. If that call ever happens, I hope I look to my left and right and see you there. I’ll have your back. 2 Chronicles 16:9 “For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him.” S.Y.O.T.O.S. ORIGINAL POST DATE: APRIL 19,2016
LOCATION:https://syotossite.wordpress.com/2016/04/19/in-god-we-trust-sometimes/ It’s the National Motto for the United States of America. It’s printed on our currency. It’s displayed on government buildings, in courtrooms, on police cars and more. There’s a reason for that in case you are “historically challenged”. Our Founding Fathers based the founding documents & laws on Judeo-Christian values, including the Ten Commandments. Shocking, I know! To turn on the news today you’d never know it. There are actual people among us that think it is acceptable for men to use women’s bathrooms, the LGBT crowd has become successful at “normalizing” their lifestyle in society, doctors that took the Hippocratic Oath will perform late term abortions, it’s “racist” for a citizen to want a secure border, and plenty of other examples of “stupid on parade”. So how has this happened? Pretty easily actually, and brings to mind an excellent quote: “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.”–Edmund Burke. “Doing nothing” is exactly what the Progressive agenda counts on now that they have made the average citizen afraid to speak their minds for fear of offending someone. It’s so easy to be in a situation with work, family or friends and simply say nothing when you hear an absolute untruth or blatant pushing of an immoral agenda. What are we afraid of? Is it perhaps the fear of people’s judgement? Is it the fear of offending someone? If the answer is yes, then when did we lose the fear of God’s judgement? Imagine how God must look at our nation. People that profess to be Christians and trust in Him, but will not defend his Word. We’ve allowed our fear of people’s judgement to overrule our fear of God’s judgement. Who care’s if someone thinks you’re too outspoken or opinionated or old fashioned? Do you think God considers remaining silent to be the same thing as denying Him? One could make the argument that it is. If we proclaim as a nation that In God We Trust, then why would we allow such ungodly behaviors to become the new norm? Do we trust that He loves us, but don’t trust that his commandments are right? As Christians and Americans it is expected of us to be bold and defend what we know is right. So why should 96.2% submit to the overbearing immoral will of 3.8% ? (most recent statistics show only 3.8% of Americans identify as LGBT) Yet we have started down the path of insanity that says we are “oppressive” or “bigots” for not wanting males to use a female restroom or if we believe that marriage should be between 1 man and 1 woman. Why should 99% submit to the will of 1%? (most recent statistics show only 1% of Americans identify as Muslim) Currently, The Citadel is being asked to accommodate a Muslim cadet wanting to wear the hijab, while our prison system has to accommodate the Muslim diet. We have the head of the US Dept. of Justice, Loretta Lynch, declaring that the DOJ will “take action against anti-Muslim rhetoric”. So at what point do We The People tell Washington DC that WE will take action againt their anti-American and unconstitutional actions? Why have we sat back and turned over all our power and decision making to the Supreme Court? We must Trust In God and speak up knowing that He is in control and has given us the ability to be bold in our stand for what is right and wrong. Examine your conversations and postings on social media. Do you censor yourself for fear of offending someone? When you agree with a bold post on a controversial topic, are you afraid to “like” or “share” it for fear of being judged by friends? If you answered yes, then you have chosen a side. You have chosen the side of PC. You have chosen to be silent. You have chosen to submit. What if Jesus had been silent when he encountered the corrupt money-changers in the temple? So the next time you’re in a situation where you should be speaking up for God or your God given rights, ask yourself if you actually trust in God and proceed accordingly. If we as Christians don’t trust in God, how can we expect others to do it? Psalms 54:4 “In God I will praise his word, in God I have put my trust; I will not fear what flesh can do unto me.” S.Y.O.T.O.S. ORIGINAL POST DATE: 04/07/2016
LOCATION: https://syotossite.wordpress.com/2016/04/17/pick-a-side/ Welcome to a blog that will defy Political Correctness and reopen your eyes to something that is under attack and trying to be redefined by the Lame Stream Media, Hollywood Elitist, Politicians, and all those Special Interest groups; Common Sense & Christianity. I know, it’s “Old School” and is constantly being called by many names such as Bigot, Racist, Extremist, and my personal new favorite, Privileged. This blog will serve the sole purpose of reminding the reader that if you want a secured border, the right to bear arms, freedom of religion, freedom of speech and all those other things our Founding Fathers made sure to put in writing, then there is a label you can wear proudly. It’s called PATRIOT. The media and it’s puppet masters would have you believe that as Christians we’re supposed to be “tolerant” and “turn the other cheek” no matter what “diversity” they throw at us. This blog will be dedicated to exposing the hypocrisy and evil that we face at every turn and supply you with information, and comfort you in knowing that you aren’t alone in the fight against the evil that grows by the day. You might be wondering about the title of this Blog and this entry. S.Y.O.T.O.S. is a long used acronym (See You On The Other Side) by soldiers entering into combat. It is a phrase that carries hope and comradery when facing a struggle. We’re in this together, and we’re going to come out on the other side together, in this life or the next. Now onto this entry’s title. Pick A Side. It’s time. Past time actually. For far too long we’ve been told that things aren’t just good or bad, black or white, and that they’re complicated or it’s a “gray area”. Wrong. These terms have been put out there by individuals that are afraid to take a stand and be held accountable. The politicians are afraid of losing a vote and the special interest groups are out to further their agendas, and too many people forget that when you meet your Maker, He will not have a “gray area” in His judgement. As Christians, as Americans, and adults with common sense, we do know right from wrong, and it’s past time that we Pick A Side and be prepared to defend it. So this blog will be highlighting the “sides” of the battles we face and you will be left to pick which side you stand with. I hope to keep you engaged in the battles that will win this war. God didn’t create us to be bystanders or doormats, he sends us among wolves. Have courage, stand tall, and engage the enemy. Together. Luke 22:36 Then he said unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment and buy one. S.Y.O.T.O.S |
![]() Back in April of 2016 I started a small blog page named S.Y.O.T.O.S. which has a link in the logo picture below. Sadly I can say many of the topics have only gotten worse, so here I am writing new blog entries with a tiny hope that it helps someone see the truth in regards to the dangers of the Republican party that has forsaken the people for the allure of their Big Donors.
Here is the original description for the 2016 blog page: "Sometimes you just gotta call it like you see it, and this blog will do that without fear of the PC police. It’s high time for Christians to take a stand and start defending ourselves and our beliefs. This Christian also happens to be a patriotic American that is fed up with the assaults on Common Sense and Christianity. Our nation was built on Judeo-Christian beliefs and the Progressive agenda has been trying to undermine those beliefs every chance they get, or create. This blog will be bringing the war on Common Sense & Christianity to the forefront and highlight the hypocrisy that engulfs our nation. Over the past few decades Christians have allowed “tolerance” to corrupt our nation. This has been accomplished by the Progressive agenda via being Politically Correct, and Christians have submitted to this for fear of offending someone. It’s time to take our country back, and we can’t do that without God’s help. Jesus cleansed the temple by turning over tables and using a whip to drive out the corrupt sellers and money-changers. Not once, but TWICE. We are called Christians because we proclaim to believe in Jesus Christ, but are we following his lead? Or are we simply “tolerating” the Progressive agenda as it seeks to destroy the very foundation on which our country was built? There will be battles in this war on Common Sense and Christianity and I for one am ready to charge forward. *Update: It was brought to my attention that this “About” section doesn’t explain the title of this blog. Here’s a short excerpt from the entry Pick A Side: “You might be wondering about the title of this Blog and this entry. S.Y.O.T.O.S. is a long used acronym (See You On The Other Side) by soldiers entering into combat. It is a phrase that carries hope and comradery when facing a struggle. We’re in this together, and we’re going to come out on the other side together, in this life or the next.” For a full explanation please go to the very first entry, Pick A Side. " “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”- Joshua 1:9 |